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Mautic 3 arrives with improvements to the Backend

Mautic 3 Alpha

In the last few months a group of engineers have worked hard for the next major release of Mautic 3.

What is New in Mautic 3 Infrastructure

Mautic version 3.0.0 is an important maintenance release that updates libraries to the latest versions, as well as increasing the minimum PHP version to 7.2 and increasing the minimum version of MySQL to 5.7. There are no new marketing features or improvements to the interface in this first version.

As Maintainer of the official Mautic Docker, which has over 1,900,000 downloads, we have a lot of work ahead of us here at Powertic.

Mautic version 3.0.0 is developed with Symfony 3.4. It continues to have a Bootstrap 2 front end with jQuery updated to version 3. In addition, Swiftmailer has also been updated to version 6.

For users, the only novelty is that the {leadfield} token has finally been removed. This has been known for some time and from now on use only {contactfield} tokens.

Now the supported versions of PHP are 7.2 as well as 7.3, which brings a series of improvements in the overall performance of Mautic 3.0.0.

Console has been moved to another directory. So, update all your cronjob as well as replace the app / console with bin / console.

The Rackspace plug-in as well as OpenStack for remote assets have been removed due to the outdated Rackspace library.

Changes to the Mautic version 3 API

The obsolete keys error as well as the error description in the API responses have been removed.

If your code checks for these keys in a response, it needs to be changed to check for the error key like this {“errors”:

[{“message”: “An error occurred”, “code”: 500}]}

Support for old obsolete routes has been removed in Mautic 3. Then, replace these routes with the ones on the right.

Old New

Changes to Webhooks in Mautic

The following webhook events in Mautic 3 included duplicate lead profile data in a key, in addition to a contact key.

The lead has been removed from the above events in favor of contact. So, you need to change the primary key profile data collection scripts to use contact.


These long-awaited improvements are not only important for security, stability as well as performance. But they also lay the groundwork for Mautic 3.1 which is due in August 2020.

It is expected to bring some features as well as much requested changes to ensure that Mautic remains the preferred option for the digital marketer.

Although there are many changes to the code base with this release, there will be little impact for users of Mautic 3 in their daily work. In addition, you will find the user interface as well as the feature set virtually unchanged.

A big hug and follow Powertic on social networks to stay on top of Mautic 3!